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Piwik PRO launches real-time dashboards for instant insights

Thu, 8th Aug 2024

Piwik PRO has unveiled a new feature for its Analytics Suite: real-time dashboards. The tool aims to provide users with instantaneous insights into their operations and key metrics through visual data delivered within seconds.

The feature is expected to benefit marketing departments in sectors where timely decision-making is crucial, including publishing, ecommerce, event management, healthcare, and finance.

A survey by Harvard Business Review found that 76% of organisations consider real-time data analytics vital for business performance. Instant analytics offers critical information on user interaction with content in real-time, allowing firms to monitor trends and make quick adjustments to enhance content performance. According to Verified Market Reports, the real-time analytics market is projected to grow from USD $28 billion in 2023 to USD $141.46 billion by 2030.

The publishing industry, facing challenges such as shifting content consumption habits, increased use of AI, and heightened focus on reader privacy, can potentially benefit significantly from the new real-time dashboards. Increasing traffic, improving user experience, and enhancing content quality are top priorities for publishers, reported by 68%, 32%, and 30% of respondents respectively in data from Echobox.

Piotr Korzeniowski, CEO at Piwik PRO, commented, "Real-time analytics can be a significant game changer in a world where information is crucial, and publishers only have fractions of a second to capture the viewer's attention. Understanding how your audience engages with your content across various platforms, channels, and devices is essential for enhancing visitor engagement on your site and maximizing revenue opportunities at every interaction point."

The company's new offering features 10-second data freshness, positioning it as one of the most powerful real-time reporting tools currently available. This feature expands the functionality of Piwik PRO's analytics platform, providing users with a comprehensive suite for data analysis and activation.

The key benefits of Piwik PRO's real-time dashboards include instant insights, full customization, and broad accessibility. Instant insights provide instantaneous data visualizations, allowing for quick responses to emerging user behaviors and trends. The data is updated every 10 seconds, with a viewing window ranging between 5 and 60 minutes.

Furthermore, the tool offers significant customization options, enabling users to tailor the dashboards to their specific needs. Users can create multiple dashboards and arrange them according to their preferences using custom widgets. The real-time dashboards feature is currently available to Piwik PRO's 600+ Enterprise customers and over 12,000 users of its free Core version, as well as all new users regardless of their plan.

Korzeniowski added, "Our new feature allows for unrestricted comparison and visualization of diverse data sets. It enables a quick understanding of how consumers react both in daily business and during special events like Black Friday. Understanding how customers interact with your content and product on different platforms, channels, and devices is crucial for improving visitor engagement and maximizing revenue opportunities at every touchpoint."

The real-time dashboards feature is currently in beta and available to all Piwik PRO Core and Enterprise users.

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