'Circle of Toys' launches to connect UK, Ukrainian toy donors & recipients
Circle of Toys, an innovative technology platform that connects Ukrainian children with British and Ukrainian families willing to donate their pre-loved toys, has launched. Created by Find Refuge, a tech platform aiding those globally in need, Circle of Toys is designed to unite families by facilitating circular gift-giving.
The initiative, launched just before the festive season, has already seen over 20,000 Ukrainians sign up to the platform, looking for some normality and joy in these testing times. The website's user-friendly interface enables gift-seekers to register their preferences in seconds, allowing individuals to choose an appropriate recipient for their donated toy.
British residents willing to give a new life to their unused toys can register on the platform in seconds and select from a list of families who have registered their interests. Applications are checked and moderated to ensure that the gifting is safe and going to the right child.
Once approved, the donors receive the family's mailing address through Circle of Toys' direct donation scheme. The technology platform also offers an in-built translation service enabling the sharing of goodwill messages in the native language of both parties.
Despite the festive season being over, donations are still being encouraged into the new year to continue supporting Ukrainian families and aid in the sustainability of gifting. While traditionally exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve ahead of Orthodox Christmas on January 7th, many families in Ukraine are shifting their celebrations to December 25th in alignment with Western traditions, particularly in the wake of the ongoing pressures exerted by the Russian invasion.
Arthur Corvin Powells, CEO at Circle of Toys, firmly believes in the goodness of people, emphasising that "Technology is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can tap into the goodness of people."
Powells declares that the platform's simplicity and built-in translation feature are essential for bridging language barriers when connecting families. "If we can make a difference to just one family and create a childhood filled with play, love, and warmth, Circle of Toys would have already served its purpose," Corvin Powells explains.
The CEO hopes that this circularity will help bring play, joy and a new cherished item to thousands internationally, ultimately aiming for a redistribution of toys that would otherwise be discarded. "What we really want to achieve is the circularity of items ordinarily thrown away. When one child outgrows a toy another should grow into it," Corvin Powells states.
Powells concludes with a heartfelt statement: "All our gift seekers greatly appreciate the gifts they receive, to a lot of them, they seem like a miracle. Let's try to ensure that more children have as close to a real childhood as possible."
With over 20,000 registrations from Ukraine to receive gifts and the support of more than 3,000 volunteers globally, Circle of Toys is on a mission to help families affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine, where around 80% of children have been impacted. This project is far from an ordinary charity drive; it represents a genuine, global effort towards sustainable and meaningful gifting.