CYFOR Group announces new CTO & Head of Incident Response
The CYFOR Group is charting an ambitious growth path with the appointment of Andrew Frowen as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and William Poole as Head of Incident Response. Their collective expertise garnered from extensive service in both the private and public sectors, will augment CYFOR's digital forensics and cyber security units, setting the company on course for expansive growth and enhanced client support.
Tasked with overseeing the company's cyber security business unit, CYFOR Secure, former ICO Principal Investigator William Poole brings to the table five years of high-level experience leading cyber response and investigations. His mandate is to deliver proactive cyber security services including incident response, security audits, and cyber insurance support to a wide range of organisations, particularly small to medium businesses exposed to cyber threats.
Poole, banking on his comprehensive knowledge of common organisational vulnerabilities, aims to safeguard organisations better from potential breaches whilst expediting the response and recovery process in the face of active breaches. He feels, "Today's cyber threat landscape is formidable, but while a breach should be considered an inevitability, very few in-house security professionals have much exposure to real-world incident response. As I join the CYFOR Secure team, I am looking forward to delivering critical support for our customers, helping them to respond quickly, securely, and ensuring that they can learn from each successful attack in the long-term."
Exemplifying his versatile skills, Poole's regulatory background makes him uniquely positioned to boost the company's advisory division, providing critical insights to organisations in the aftermath of an attack and guiding them in their reporting efforts.
Similarly, in his capacity as CTO, Andrew Frowen aims to upgrade the company's offerings and infrastructure to dovetail with the present-day need for digital evidence and support CYFOR's mission to sift through the police backlog and foster improved relationships with law enforcement. Frowen, who is also the founder of IntaForensics, brings to the table two decades' worth of experience providing digital forensics support and strategic guidance to criminal prosecution.
The UK now houses an average of nine connected devices per household making digital forensics a cornerstone of modern criminal investigations whilst also making it a daunting task. Frowen realises the challenge and sees his role in CYFOR as key to ensuring that as an ISO 17025 accredited forensic science provider, they can help meet the demands of both defence and prosecution teams through new innovation and market offerings. Speaking about his appointment, he says, "CYFOR Group has an enviable reputation as experts in providing digital forensic reports in support of criminal defence teams, and I am delighted to be bringing this pedigree to support the Crown Prosecution Service through partnering with law enforcement agencies, as it tackles an immense backlog of digital evidence."
Andrew adds, "Accredited digital evidence is increasingly central to achieving reliable and validated results in a courtroom, but the proliferation of data and devices presents a challenge. We in digital forensics have a duty to uphold the justice system with science-led, balanced, unbiased reports, working as trusted partners." Prior to joining the CYFOR Group, Andrew held key commercial and technical roles in the public and private sectors, including the Armed Forces. He was also the Founder of IntaForensics after serving as Director of Forensics at organisations such as CCL Forensics and Disklabs.